Since 1992, we have been producing custom-made games, with over 4 million units created to date.
Our specialty lies in designing bespoke educational games for NGOs such as the Red Cross, Oxfam, and Christian Solidarity International, as well as for cities and museums. This is the core of our business.
In addition, we develop business games and simulations, which are essentially educational tools used for corporate training.
We have also successfully created and manufactured promotional games.
Finally, we publish our own games.
Here are a few examples of our work.
If you have a project in mind, please don't hesitate to reach out. We can handle the entire process, from concept creation and testing to graphic design and manufacturing.
Our production facilities are located both in the EU and China, where we operate our own unit. We export to France, Canada, the USA, the UK, Luxembourg, Australia, New Zealand, and Germany.

Custom made educational game
The King Baudouin Foundation developped a giant game for teenagers about democracy. Participants are members of different political parties. They have to build a city and of course there are constraints and choices need to be made.
Our challenge was to produce the game in a box format.
This is already the third edition.

Custom made business simulation
We developped a complex business simulations for the graduating students in management of the KU Leuven, the leading University in Belgium.
Up to now more than 2 000 students followed this 6 x 3 hours exercice.
We cover the topics of marketing, finance and accounting, company valuation, HRM including change management and creativity management and production planning.
Its originality is due to several factors:
a) 600 variables make the simulation realistic.
b) each of the 7 fictive companies (3 played by the computer and 4 by the participants) needs to be managed in a different way (positioning, different SWOT,...).
c) particpants not only have to take 60 decisions per session but are also expected to write a report about one topic of the simulation where creativity is needed.
Do contact us if you are interested. All the material is in English.

Custom made educational game
For the non profit organization Empreintes, we manufactured Alimen'Terre.
Alimen'Terre is an amazing game about the environmental footprint of our food (type of food, ways of production, conditioning, packaging, transport).
Players have to create a specific menu (for example, summer menu to eat oustide) and buy ingredients.
It is a cooperative game in the sense that the global environmental footprint is limited for all the players together but there is a sense of competition because participants vote at the end for the best menu.

A game we publish ourselves.
CalculHit is an interactive game to become a math whiz!
It is a race to the podium. There are 3 winners to increase the motivation of the kids (one time out of 2, you are on the podium).
Players play in turn. They have to make a calculation and move forward the pawns who can divide the result. For example, if the result is 10, the player will move pawn 2 and pawn 5.
Some cards also let you choose yourself the number. Imagine that you have pawn 3 and that you can choose a number between 20 and 30, then 27 would be an ideal choice because only you will move forward (27 can be divided by 3 and not by 2, 4 , 5 , 6 and 7).
There are 3 levels of difficulty.
There are two ways of playing: with the board game and with the CD-ROM.
Age 7 - 13 years old
2 - 6 players of team (recommendation for teachers)
20-30 minutes

A game we publish ourselves
Strategic game for 2 payers.
The most awarded Belgian game: Golden Ace in Cannes, Mensa selct USA, 6/6 Québec, game of the year in Belgium and Denmark.
The goal is having as many towers as possible of which the top counter is you color.
You can play with any counter including the ones of your opponent.